Binns prides itself on the quality and expertise of its service, adhering to the highest industry standards for the manufacture and installation of fences.
Our Accreditations
Associations of Fencing Industries
Binns is an actively participating member of the Associations of Fencing Industries, promoting legislation, standards and training for the industry.
Quality Assurance
In October 1984 Binns became founder members of the BSI Registered Firms Scheme in recognition of their reliability and commitment to product quality in the supply and erection of fences. Binns currently conforms to ISO.9001-2015.
Environmental Accreditation
Binns’ environmental management system is accredited to ISO14001:2015
Binns is a part of the UK’s largest national online database register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants, improving efficiencies for buyers and suppliers in the construction industry, by reducing the duplication of work and administration relating to the process of pre-qualifying suppliers.
Cyber Essentials
Binns has been assessed to be compliant against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security
Safe Contractor
Binns is an accredited member of the Safe Contractor scheme
UVDB Verification
Binns has been assessed to be compliant with safety, health, environmental and quality standards.
PSSA Verified Installer
Binns is a PSSA member and verified installer